Thursday, January 26, 2012

Management Structure

Today is the start of my third out of eight days straight of work, as well as my second eleven hour day in a row... The last two days have been quite exhausting, especially once the nine hour mark comes around. The main thing I have noticed since I started the program and specifically working at my location is how much different their management structure is opposed to other jobs I have had. At the yacht club I had one manager and at MAIFE I had two supervisors who were above me and those were the only two people who made contact with me. However, here I have five managers that I know of, there are probably more, and about three coordinators on staff each day that oversee my work. Those are just the people that I deal with on a day to day basis. Above my managers are area managers, and the list goes on and on. I am slowly learning about the structure that takes place in order to make it run the way that it does. It is amazing how many people it takes to create this magical place and make it run so smoothly day in and day out. Our work environment is pretty structured, where we clock in each morning, get an assignment, and then go to our assignment. Every hour or so we rotate to a different location, go back to the computer, and get a new assignment. Our breaks have already been pre-designed by scheduling and they give us a full two week schedule so we can plan accordingly. It is very organized and helps the company run as well as it does, in my opinion. The way the company works reminds me similar to MAIFE because of how structured it is as well as all of their rules for cast members that make it so successful. However, it definitely runs a much more successful company than MAIFE organizational wise, which I would attribute to the fact that they have multiple coordinators, managers, and area managers per location. Well, I have to get ready to head off to work 8:45-7:30, but have a magical day everybody!

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